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Fall 2006

"It doesnt have to make sense...






Project 1


large product photo   Stewie Vs, "The Brain":

One of the discussions in class discussed villains in films and where they ranked. Being an avid cartoon watcher I quickly bagan thinking which animated character whould be triumphant in dominating the world. The Video is currently unavaiable. the critera for the judging was:

Way with women-Stewie


Ability to talk to humans-Stewie

Ability to blend in society-Brain

Partner in crime-Stewie

A close battle to the end, Stewie was victorious with a 3 points to 2 points advantage. the video, which will be available shorty, had clips of the shows and voice-overs.


It was concluded that villains of each genre are ones to be recknoned with and that even though these animated characters may not have the same respect as those in films they still are force to be aware of.



I had difficulties comparing the two since "Family Guy" is much more topical and "Pinky and the Brain" is somewhat outdated like the SEGA corporation. I found the longevity of "Family Guy" gave me more to evaluate whereas "Pinky and the Brain" did not provide me with enough scenarios for me to give "The Brain" a chance.